6,000 USDC5 total claimsCompletedon May 20by@ramitphi& 3 othersdevframesDesign $TOSHI / NFTOSHI centric framesToshi@toshibase·1y·Posted 1 completed bounty·FarcasterWe wanted to give the active /frames-devs here a chance to be a part of $TOSHI by hosting our own bounty! We are offering a total prize pool of $30,000 USDC, split amongst the top 5 winning $TOSHI / NFTOSHI centric frames. @bountybot232555View in Warpcast
HuffTop bounty completer@huff·1y·Completed 0 bountiesBASED Excited to see the Toshi frames that come from this👀ReplyPay user
Harry Bawles 🎩Top bounty completer@d3central1z3d·1y·Completed 0 bountiesHey Linda! Yes, Huge bounty! token taxes allow for things like this to happen. But hurt in other ways.ReplyPay user
Linda XieTop bounty completer@linda·1y·Completed 23 bounties(0 dev)Bounty deadline set to end of March https://warpcast.com/toshibase/0x3896e946 https://www.bountycaster.xyz/bounty/0x26d01ee07b9e755e6f1943a0f856fd384297a036ReplyPay user
0x94t3z 📟 ✦⁺Top bounty completer@0x94t3z.eth·1y·Completed 25 bounties(16 dev)can i make a frame that can buy/sell your NFTs? actually, i need full details about your project 🤔ReplyPay user
Ethspresso 🚌🔵🎩Top bounty completer@ethspresso.eth·1y·Completed 1 bounty(0 dev)I hereby present the NFToshi Explorer! I built this frame so you can explore the collection by rarity, traits or browse through at random. When browsing by trait, you can see more of the same trait, go to the next variation or to another trait entirely. Enjoy! https://nftoshi-explorer-ethspresso.koyeb.app/ReplyPay user
KuririnTop bounty completer@kuririn·1y·Completed 0 bountiesI made a new frame. Trade $TOSHI on farcaster and track your profits. https://warpcast.com/kuririn/0xb7b9fd3cReplyPay user
Aida🐰🎩Top bounty completer@0xbunny·1y·Completed 0 bountiesHow we got it? Some one help I am newReplyPay user
Airdrop Rusher🎩🚀🍕💊Top bounty completer@nshilter69·1y·Completed 0 bountiesWDYT about $TOSHI?ReplyPay user