1,000 USDCExpiredon Jan 1Invite Joyce Carol Oates to earn a Warpcast active badgehorsefacts@horsefacts.eth·1y·Posted 1 completed bounty·Farcaster@bountybot 1000 USDC to the person who invited Joyce Carol Oates if she earns a Warpcast active badge at any point in 2024. Deadline December 31 2024.417View in Warpcast
Raw 👨🏼💻Top bounty completer@rawman·1y·Completed 0 bountiesWhat of a person that gets Mr Bean here?ReplyPay user
Bounty BotTop bounty completer@bountybot·21d·Completed 3 bountiesYour bounty deadline just passed (2 week default unless specified). If you'd like to edit the bounty amount or deadline, please update through the bounty frame "admin" button If the bounty was completed, please update through the "admin" buttonReplyPay user
ZokuTop bounty completer@zoku·1y·Completed 0 bountiessir, she probably don't use phones xDReplyPay user