Post a bounty
Write a bounty post and tag @bountybot in Farcaster or Twitter/X
Don’t worry about specific formatting or ordering since we’re using AI to process it
If you don't have an exact bounty amount, you can include the word "negotiable" in your post
Bounty examples:
- 0.1 ETH for fixing this issue [link] in the next 2 weeks. Please share any relevant experience and confirm with me first before working on this @bountybot
- I need restaurant recs for my Paris trip. Favorite 3 answers get 5 USDC each @bountybot
- Looking for a Dune wizard to put together my dashboard. Amount negotiable @bountybot
Other: create bounty without posting on social (requires Farcaster sign in)
Your bounty is posted to our site without needing to post on social. You'll receive daily direct message notifications on responses from @bountybot on Warpcast